Installing & Onboarding the Popsixle App

How to install the Popsixle Shopify app and complete the onboarding process to start your free trial


Important information about Popsixle setup and timing: Popsixle supports a 21-day free trial which starts at the time of app installation, but Popsixle’s data connection will not be “live” on your site until you’ve completed the onboarding process.

Your account will be charged for the Popsixle subscription at 21 days, but you can cancel the trial or subscription support at any time by removing the app in Shopify 


Step 1: Install the app

To get started with Popsixle, download and install the Popsixle app from Shopify



Step 2: Complete the onboarding steps in the app

After you’ve successfully installed the Popsixle app, you’ll be led through the steps in the onboarding process, which once completed will allow the Popsxle connection to go live on your site. 

The onboarding steps only take about 10 minutes to complete, but remember trial setup is not a separate phase from the 21 days of free Popsixle support. If you’re stuck at any point with a particular step in the process, reach out to our team for assistance via email or the live chat on our site so there’s no delay in your ads benefitting from Popsixle’s better data.


The onboarding steps: 

  • Account Setup
    • Account Information -  basic information of your contact info, brand name, site url, and timezone should auto-populate here

    • Website Details - you'll need to select your site's type of website and cart/checkout from the two options of either Shopify Standard or Headless/Custom. (If you're not sure, select that option for further assistance)

    • Access Agreement - you'll need to agree to the terms to move forward with Popsixle support. If you have any questions about the terms, reach out to our team for help via email or the live chat on our site





  • Shopify Access - this step will direct you to your Shopify theme settings to toggle Popsixle "on" within the app embed.

    • Toggle Popsixle "on" for all actives themes in your library (ie. themes that are being used now or may be used in the future*) and make sure to click the SAVE button on the top right corner of each screen

      shopify app embeds 2
    • *If you switch themes in the future and Popsixle is not toggled on for that theme, your site's connection will have only partial data flow

    • Important!  The following red-flag alert (image below) will appear on your app screen if you do not hit "save" or this step is otherwise incomplete. To clear the alert and proceed with onboarding, check to ensure that Popsixle is toggled "on" for all active themes within the app embed (and hit save!), then refresh the app screen to move forward 
  • Facebook Pixel/Dataset Access - you'll need to input your account's Pixel/Dataset ID, Conversations API (CAPI) token and Test Event Code.

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  • Facebook Ad Account Access - This is a two step process: you'll first need to share view/read only access to each of your your site's Facebook ad accounts, then link the accounts to the app to move forward. You can add multiple accounts, so make sure to share access to all accounts that have active ads driving traffic toward your site.  Note that you will need admin access to your brand's ad account to share access with Popsixle (Popsixle is not able to connect to personal ad accounts).
    1. Follow the steps in the guide to share access to your ad account(s): Onboarding with Popsixle: Facebook ad account access
    2. Link your Facebook ad accounts with your Popsixle app: Make sure to add the account ID for each ad account on the next screen to properly link the ad account to your Popsixle installation

Onboarding Complete!

After you've shared access to the ad account(s) and added the account ID(s) to the app's settings, click the Confirm button to complete the onboarding process and set Popsixle's data connection live on your site.

Congratulations on going live with Popsixle!

Step 3: Next steps

Now that Popsixle is live, make sure to complete these best practices to set your trial up for success 

  1. Turn off the Sh​​opify-CAPI connection on your site by changing the setting to Conservative (follow this guide for the steps). The use of extra server-to-server connections (like Shopify-CAPI, Trackify, Elevar, Hyros or Wicked Reports) during Popsixle support can lead to over-reporting (more info here).
  2. If there's a pre-existing Allow List in your account's Meta Events Manager, add the domain “" to the list (do not create a new list by adding -- this step is only for accounts that already have a list in place)

Moving forward with the trial ... 

  • After the connection has been live for 48 hours, the Popsixle team will run a post-launch health check on your account to ensure there are no issues with your setup or connection.
  • We'll also check in periodically to share updates on performance and accuracy to help you measure the impact of Popsixle's connection. Learn more in this guide: How to measure success with Popsixle
  • Remember your account will be charged for the Popsixle subscription at 21 days, but you can cancel the trial or subscription support at any time by removing the app in Shopify 

Have questions or concerns? Reach out to the Popsixle via email or through the live chat on our site and a member of our team will get back to you within one business day.