How to send Popsixle data to TikTok

This article walks you through the steps necessary to start sending Popsixle data to TikTok


In order to send Popsixle data to TikTok you must be on the latest version of Popsixle. If you are not sure if you are, please reach out to the Popsixle team at and we will assist you.

Step 1: 

First login to your TikTok business account at Select your active ad account and navigate to Users > Partners

Step 2: 

Choose Add Partner and enter our business id: 7306194182450888705

Step 3:

Go to your TikTok Ads Manager Account and navigate to Tools > Events

Step 4: Click Manage within the Web Events section

Step 5: Select the pixel you want to send Popsixle data to.

Step 6: Copy the Pixel Id from the top of the page

Step 7: Go to the Settings Tab and create an access token

Step 8: Go to the Test Events tab and copy the Server Events Test Code

Step 9: Email the pixel id, access token, and test event code to Popsixle at

Next Steps:

Once the Popsixle team configures your account, the flow of data from Popsixle to TikTok will begin. You can monitor this data in the TikTok Events dashboard and in your Popsixle dashboard.