How to turn off data sharing in Shopify

Follow the steps to turn off data sharing in Shopify as part of the Popsixle App's onboarding steps

An important part of onboarding with Popsixle is to turn off all other server-to-server (CAPI) and browser (pixel) data connections to prevent data risks like over-counting. This include turnings off data sharing in the Meta-Shopify sales channel. 

Popsixle's powerful data connection sends fully-aligned browser and server events, so if other data connections like Trackify, Elevar, Sonar, etc. are left "on" during Popsixle support, your account will experience double-counting in Meta Events Manager and misattribution in Meta Ads Manager. Therefore, it's necessary to turn these connections either during the Popsixle App's installation & onboarding process or just after the connection is live.

Popsixle is a more effective data connection that sends both browser and server events, and there are no benefits to having multiple connections turned on at once. Meanwhile, duplicate connections could cause issues with event deduplication and over attribution.

How to turn off data sharing in Shopify

  1. From your Shopify Admin and go to Sales Channels, and select Facebook & Instagram, the select "Settings" scroll down to "Share Data"
  2. The setting will likely be set to Maximum, Enhanced or Conservative (see below). Click "Change," then toggle the setting to "Data Sharing Off." This will break the connection between your Facebook and Shopify account and stop sending both server (CAPI) and browser (pixel) events from Shopify.

Once you make the change to turn off data sharing, make sure to follow up with a Popsixle team member to confirm it's off, and then the data sharing should remain off throughout your Popsixle support. 

Frequently asked questions

Why should I shut off data sharing in Shopify? 

We have a full guide on this subject here: FAQ: Turning off a CAPI/server-to-server connection
Essentially, having multiple CAPI or server-side connections on at one time can cause over-reporting and other data risks (especially since as of August 2024, Popsixle sends both server and browser events).
There's no benefit to having more than one, and Popsixle is a more advanced and powerful connection that sends much more data per payload (see image below).


How do I know if there's a second connection on for my store?

Examples of the other server-to-server (CAPI) and browser (pixel) data connections include Shopify CAPI, Elevar, Analyzify, Trackify, Wicked Reports, Triple Whale's Sonar, Black Crow AI and Hyros.
If you're not sure if your store has a connection in use, reach out to our team for guidance in running a pixel audit (or see this article for more).

Will shutting off data sharing in Shopify cause me to lose historic campaign data? 

Your campaign data is stored on the pixel, so switching or disconnecting data connections will not result in any loss of ad data.

The same goes for Popsixle -- if you decide to end Popsixle support, the ad data your account acquired while running Popsixle-optimized campaigns will not be lost when you delete the Popsixle App, because it will be stored on your pixel.

Will shutting off data sharing in Shopify cause an interruption in performance?

Shutting off Shopify's data sharing should not affect or interrupt performance progress, but if there was over-reporting happening in your account because of the extra connection, Meta Ads Manager may show what appears to be a drop in conversions, when in reality you're only losing the "phantom" purchases from Meta's previous over-attribution. 

In some cases you may notice a bit of short-lived fluctuation as the change in data causes the system to re-learn and Meta to re-adjust. Either way, Popsixle's Attribution Accuracy graph on your dashboard will help you to know whether any drop in numbers is the work of improved accuracy or an actual change in performance. 

Have questions or need support with any of the steps above? Our team is happy to help! Reach out via email or through the live chat on our site and a member of our team will follow up within one business day to assist you.