I’m concerned about the possibility of event duplication. How can I check to ensure this is not a problem?

Our philosophy is that it’s better to send more data than less data. That’s because Facebook generally does an excellent job with deduplication. The entire Facebook platform is identity driven, which means all data gets tied back to an individual user.

The best way to see the success rate of event deduplication is within Facebook’s Event Manager. Go to your Business Manager account, choose the Events Manager tool, navigate to the Data Sources tab, and choose your active pixel.



 Within any specific event, you can click View Details to open much more information.

In the details pop up, go to the Event Deduplication tab. We look at the Overlap % score within the Event ID row. Across all of our customers, we expect to see a number between 90-100%.


✅ If Event ID is more than 90%, event deduplication is working as expected

❔If your Event ID From Pixel % is 100 AND your Overlap % is lower than 90%, that’s something you should let us know about (email: success@popsixle.com)


Note that in the above screen shots, there are yellow flags showing Event Deduplication is not meeting best practices. However, the detail view shows 100% overlap.

Keep in mind that Events Manager is a diagnostic tool with automated prompts. Facebook is flagging that Popsixle is not sending Event IDs. While this gets flagged, it’s not an actual problem. We do this intentionally, in fact. Shopify creates its own event ids, which we can never match with. Sending our own non-matching ids would drop the overlap score to 0%. Instead we send lots of other data (like ip, email, fbc, etc) that Facebook can match against, tying back to the individual people on your site, and thus effectively deduplicating events.

If you have previously been using Offline Event Upload, please turn off this functionality (in platforms like Wicked Reports) and please don’t continue to do this manually. When you are running Popsixle, you no longer need to upload events manually.